About Us

Founded in 1976, Greatwall Trading Company offers a variety of Chinese healthcare products for the end users and Chinese medicine shops throughout the country. Our practitioners will be ready to give you the recommendations regarding the choice of our products like bird nest, chicken essence, and traditional medicine as well as related healthcare products which rely upon the rich natural resource endorsed by mother nature.


  • Health Care Products
  • Traditional Medicine
  • Chinese Medicine
  • Bird Nest


Remedies are carefully picked and packaged for the customers along with detailed instructions on how they are to be prepared for consumption.

Chinese Healthcare Products

Chinese healthcare products are recommended to restore a balance of energy, body, and spirit to maintain health rather than treating a particular disease or medical condition. It treats patients’ main complaints or the patterns of their symptoms rather than the underlying causes. 2BFE99EA 9690 11E2 A30B 123141053E9B

Chinese Traditional Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine  is one of the world's oldest medical systems still widely practiced today. It is a unique and independent medical system which originated from China and developed down through the centuries. For thousand of years, this alternative has played a major role in maintaining the health. 3562BB74 9690 11E2 A18A 123141053E9B


Chinese herbal medicine uses a variety of herbs such as astragalus, ginkgo, ginseng, green tea, and eleuthero in different combinations. Herbal blends are said to prevent and treat many ailments and diseases and restore or strengthen immunity and resistance to disease.  643EFC82 9690 11E2 9E20 123141053E9B

Chicken Essence

Chicken essence is basically the stew left behind after a whole chicken is boiled using a high temperature and pressure. Drinking chicken essence became a good way to a health supplement. This natural health food supplement sustains your health, through all stages of your life. A27F294A 9690 11E2 A060 123141053E9B

Bird Nest

Bird nest is famous in medical because it can reinforce energy and relieve respiratory problems. Besides, it has long been a popular tonic especially for women, as it is said to improve the complexion by promoting cell regeneration and reduce signs of aging. A9805024 9691 11E2 A0A5 12314000C811